It has been crazy busy around the Schindler House. Besides the usual activities, Bible Study, Mission Friends,
KinderMusik, we have had play dates, bow making parties, teaching Kindergarten Sunday School, and Nick writing a long paper for his masters class. On top of all that Madeline has been sick. She had a cold and now it has turned into
bronchiolitis. On Friday we headed to the Doctors office at 8:30 in the morning. He was very worried about her wheezing so we had some chest x-rays done. Again, no crying and she even tried to wave while her hands were sticking out of the top of the tube. They looked...O.K....A little big of congestion on the left side. He was worried about how hard she was having to work to breath so he said if she got worse she needed to go to the hospital. HOSPITAL!!! Oh my goodness!! So he said to come back at 4:30 and if she was worse we were to go to the hospital. Well, we came home and rested, drank lots of fluids and acted like we weren't sick. :) Then back to the doctor's office. She was exactly the same so he said to just watch her over the weekend and call if she got worse. She was great all weekend. She is still congested and sounds horrible but acts fine. We went back today (Monday) and he said she was sounding better but now has an ear infection. You sure wouldn't know it. She is one happy camper. So that is the update from Schinderville.