Saturday, April 21, 2012

Soccer & Friends

Madeline is really starting to come around with her soccer. The first half of the game she didn’t want to get in their and push. So we told her to pretend like the Brown team was William and he was having lots of fun with the ball. That helped!

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Sometimes you need to stop in the middle of the game and give your parents a thumbs up.

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Then some of our favorite friends from Wichita came to visit. We even got to meet teeny tiny Adele. She was a DOLL!

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Adrienne & Jon we are so glad we got to see you guys. What a beautiful family!!! Now, come and visit more often.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

80 Degrees

It was beautiful today in O’Fallon!  The kids and I went on a long walk down our newly fixed neighborhood path. I couldn’t believe how far Will walked. We did have to stop at the park on our way and half way home he did ask for his cup. But not bad!

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I hadn’t even planned on the matching outfits. I love when a plan comes together without me working on it. I have been practicing my photography ever since my little class. One of these days I will have more that work then don’t work. Smile

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's for dinner?

Smoked out brisket, which was so tender and yummy! (see the smoke ring?)

Homemade buns that were super tender.

Baked beans with bits if bacon.

Warm chocolate chip cookies.

Not pictured:
Cole slaw, veggie tray, and Coke.

Anyone want to stop by for leftovers?

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Location:Azalea Ct,O'Fallon,United States

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Tonight was the most amazing night for baseball. It was a jeans and jacket weather. The st. Louis Cardinals give military free tickets! So for the price of one cheap ticket for Maddie we had these amazing seats. 27 rows from the field right by the yellow pole on the third base side.

The people around us were so nice and didn't mind our crazy kids. Nick went to get us nachos and a drink. During the few minutes he was gone the Cardinals hit a home run. Madeline's eyes were the size of saucers, she loved the fireworks. She said I love this place they spare no expense. Really??? I thought the people around us were going to fall out of their chairs, they couldn't wait to tell Nick when he got back. William snacked, clapped, and wiggled through 5 innings. The nice couple behind us even shared their pretzel with him because he kept staring at them while they ate. The top of the 6th we went for a long walk. He was like a rock star because of the crazy wee squeak shoes. I bet he gave out 10 high fives and sometimes he would get confused on what people wanted so he just blew kisses. I had three different grandmas ask where to buy the shoes for their grand babies. It was nuts. The people in the gift shop decided the baseball players should wear those shoes.

We made until 9 ish and the middle if the 7th. Not too bad. Don't they look tired in the picture. Now everyone is crashed, I sure hope they sleep late.
(The Cardinals won in the 10th inning)

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Monday, April 16, 2012


Last Tuesday Madeline got out the foam princess crown kit she got from Lexi. She worked and worked putting it all together. Then on Wednesday she asked for me to get down her white dress. She informed me that the crown just matched her dress and she was wearing it on Sunday. I totally thought she would forget by Sunday. Nope, early Sunday morning in she came carrying her outfit complete with ruffle socks and silver sparkle shoes. She asked me to do a pony tail so her crown would really show. After she was all dressed she announced that she looked fabulous and then....

She told us she was just sure that Jamison would tell her she looked beautiful at Sunday School. Are you kidding me? She is only 4! She is growing up way too fast. She wore her outfit all day at church, to lunch, and all around Sam's.

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Location:Azalea Ct,O'Fallon,United States

So fast!

While I was washing dishes and talking to my mom on the phone this happened...

Yep, I thought Will was playing on the deck but instead he was digging in the dirt and throwing it in the house!!!! While I vacuumed he did this...

Rough life!

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Location:Azalea Ct,O'Fallon,United States

Tea Party

This morning was our Tea and Testimony at MOPS. We had a fabulous speaker, great food, and as always great conversations. I decorated our table in an egg shell blue, black and white theme. It sure was fun getting dressed up and wearing a hat.

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Can you count how many things were used at my wedding? I love when things get used many times over!  It was really a lot prettier in real life. I took a photography class last week and I have been trying to do more manual settings, sometimes auto is just the way to go. Smile But really can you go wrong with sparkle? (Yes, I’m turning into my mother!)