Sunday, February 6, 2011

Our Life, by Madeline

Madeline has fallen in love with one of our old digital camera. She has been very busy taking all kinds of pictures. I thought I might share a few so you could learn what is really important in her life.

Sesame street on the computer. She LOVES when she gets to check out Elmo and do a little coloring with the mouse.

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Does it get any better then a new baby brother and Barney on TV?

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A special afternoon snack.

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Her view from the potty in her bathroom.

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Story time in the afternoon. (Fox on Wheels)

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Dinner! YUMMY!

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Sometimes Will doesn’t appreciate all the photos.

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Welcome home for dinner Daddy!

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Here she asked Daddy to take her picture singing. Please notice the bottom of the TV screen. We never miss Wheel of Fortune!

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She had me hold up her coloring book because she wanted a picture of Cookie Monster.

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Yes, this was taking during Gymboree’s gymbuck redemption.

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Sometimes we are just a bit Goofy around here!

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Maybe she will have a career in photography?


Dacia said...

This is so cute! I love the things from her perspective. You've got to explain this gymbuck thing to me sometime.

Mandi Merritt said...

She took some pretty good photos!