Monday, February 6, 2012


Will came to Maddie and I and said poopie. I checked and he was clean so I put him on the potty and guess what??? He peed and pooped! It has happened two times but now that I have blogged about it... it won't happen again.

He was so proud of himself he was clapping and yelling. I think the sibling rivalry is beginning and he wants to beat Madeline's potty training. Wouldn't that be nice?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Azalea Ct,O'Fallon,United States


Rochelle said...

Go, Will, Go!!!! I'll eat a couple of M&Ms in your honor!!!

Mandi Merritt said...

WOW!!!! Go Will! That is awesome! I think we have another year of diapers around here...