Saturday, June 2, 2012


Today was Madeline’s Mighty Ball Baseball game. She is the only little girl on the white team. She was so excited this morning. She is doing pretty great so far!

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She was a great listener to Coach Chris.

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Nick was the 2nd base coach. There was LOTS of redirecting today. And when you get bored in the outfield it is fun to put your glove on your head.

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She really loved the outfield the best. After she hit the ball she ran after the ball, fielded it, and threw it to first. Then after the ball was taking care of she ran.

edited Baseball 030She could really hit the ball. She hit the farthest on her team.edited Baseball 062edited Baseball 082edited Baseball 100

But sometimes we get tired and decided to be like the other kids and put our hat on backwards.

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Pretty good overhand throw! We still need to work on our aim.

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Good game blue and white team. Will even stayed in his stroller the entire time. He ate a huge bag of grapes, peanut butter crackers, two packages of fruit snacks, and one juice. Can you believe that didn’t even slow down his lunch eating?

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I love that Madeline fields her own hits. Who needs the other team--she can play the whole game by herself!