Saturday, December 1, 2012


The weather the past two days has been the most perfect play outside weather. It sure makes it nice for the kids! Here are a few pictures of the past few days. (Yes, when we don’t have anywhere to go I let Madeline choose her own outfit.)

playing 013playing 019

William, this is why there are NO pictures of you and your sister together. You never hold still!

playing 032

Putting away the umbrella for winter. Playing with it one last time. Madeline said she was playing hibernate.playing 047playing 050

Always talking!

We also began our advent calendar. Jesus is the LIGHT!

playing 051playing 053playing 115

Will’s work above, Madeline’s work below.

playing 060

You have to take the convertible out when it is this beautiful!

playing 073playing 082playing 090playing 103playing 114playing 128

I love you sissy
Crazy driver!

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