Monday, July 16, 2012

P Day

Today was Practically Perfect in everyway. We Proudly began our P day with some tasty Pears and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

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Then we moved on to Pool time. We headed down to the neighborhood Pool. It was Peaceful and completely empty. It was just the three Schindlers.

Here is Madeline on her way to the pool with her new Purple flip flops.

With the Puddle jumpers the kids can swim all around the big Pool.

This Picture just made me laugh. Doesn’t he look like a little old man?

Then we headed into the kiddie pool. It was so Packed.

Will loved digging in the rocks and Madeline was busy cooking.

Private Pool…

Then we hurried home to the Pretzel Project and to Put back on our Pajamas.

Pretzel making in our PJ’s!

It was the stickiest dough I have ever made.

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Here they are about to go in the oven.

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Here is our Pretzel bites. They were very yummy. I think with some tweaking they could be FABULOUS.

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Then during Will’s naptime Madeline Painted a Princess castle.


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Nick said we might have gotten carried away with the glitter. Madeline said it was a snow storm. After all that excitement you know I needed a Dr. PePPer.

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A new Puzzle was next on the fun list. Madeline is a Puzzle master.

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After Will’s Marathon nap he Played with the Poingo. He is just starting to really like it. I think it is because he gets to Poke at something.

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The siblings did a quick Pose.

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We were going to watch Mary PoPPins and eat PoPcorn but we ran out of time. I think that might be on tomorrows schedule. We had PePPeroni roll for dinner and PoPsicles for dessert.  I am now too PooPed to PoP and I am going PloP into bed.

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